Why I Still Use DOS

Featured, How-To By Nov 27, 2008 3 Comments

For some of you, the thought of DOS probably brings back horrifying memories of things like IRQ conflicts, MSCDEX, the config.sys, himem.sys, etc. Those days are over, but the best aspects of DOS remain a part of Windows, fortunately. Knowledge of DOS has been critical to my geeky endeavors over the last dozen or so years. Back in the nineties,…

HP Pavilion TX2500 Review

Hardware, Review By Nov 15, 2008 1 Comment

I have recently replaced my TX1000 with a TX2500 and despite a few little hiccups during the setup, I am very impressed with the improvements.The TX2500 is solid, light and sports a real touchscreen with wacom pen. Battery life is quite good and I recommend setting the power mode to “Balanced” rather than the standard “HP Recommended” that ships with…

PC ER: Loud Pop Followed By System Failure

Hardware By Nov 11, 2008 1 Comment

Symptoms: PC emits very loud “pop” noise four times over a span of 5 months yet everything is working fine. Suddenly, without warning, the computer shuts off completely. Upon reboot, the system barely passes POST (Power On Self Test, or BIOS (Basic Input Output System)) without shutting off again. I receive a frantic phone call. “What’s wrong? Why doesn’t the…