

Gaming How-To: Connect Your PS3 to a PC Monitor

Gaming, How-To By Jun 29, 2010 32 Comments

While VariableGHz is primarily a PC enthusiast sort of site, and by extension its gaming articles primarly focused on PC gaming, I envision a world in which consoles and PCs may live together in harmony. And as a pioneer of gaming equality, I did some research on uniting the two as seamlessly as possible. The primary reason why somebody would…

Trip Report: Age of Conan (Part 2)

Gaming By Jun 27, 2010 2 Comments

It’s been two weeks since my first report on the world of Hyboria. In that time, I’ve traversed a wide variety of sprawling frontiers, met a colorful cast of characters, gone to-to-toe in enjoyable combat against all sorts of disreputable scoundrels, and enjoyed what is likely the most impressive game soundtrack I’ve heard this year. One sentiment has endured throughout…

Celluon LaserKey CL850 Review

Hardware By Jun 15, 2010 No Comments

Yeah, I had to buy this. No, it wasn’t necessary. I decided on the Celluon LaserKey CL850 because it is the latest laser virtual keyboard and it supports a USB connection, unlike the CL-800BT which only supports bluetooth. I felt compelled to write this review because every other review I saw had awful low-res out of focus photos and didn’t…

Trip Report: Age of Conan (Part 1)

Gaming By Jun 07, 2010 No Comments

Launched in mid-2008, Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures was eagerly anticipated by many, only to quickly garner a reputation as the MMO poster child for false promises and missed opportunities. Many players lamented the lack of content after Tortage, which is the game’s starting area for players in the level 1-20 range and features fully voice acted quest chains with…

How to Setup a Foolproof Proxy for Anonymous Browsing

Featured, How-To By May 31, 2010 1 Comment

All of my years of experience with proxies doesn’t much help those who want the benefits of a proxy, yet don’t have the technical wherewithal to accomplish it. As such, I set out in search of a sure thing, a foolproof proxy that anyone could use with minimal setup. I was surprised to find Vidalia. Vidalia has proven by far…